Description About Alexa, As Well As How To Increase Ranking Quickly

Alexa Ranking

ZONASULTRA.COM, Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based American company that provides commercial web traffic and analysis data. This is a wholly owned subsidiary of

Established as an independent company in 1996, Alexa was acquired by the Amazon company in 1999. The Toolbar collects data about Internet browsing behavior and transmits it to their Alexa website, storage and analysis. This is the basis of corporate web traffic reporting. According to its website,

Alexa provides web traffic data, global rankings, and other information on 30 million websites. By 2015, the site has been visited by over 6.5 million people every month.

In November 2017, number 1 of’s Alexa Rank, the average daily time on the website was 8 minutes 2 seconds and the average daily impressions per person to 8.94.

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About Alexa Ranking

Alexa Ranking or Alexa Rank is a ranking created by for a blog or website based on the number of visits to the blog or website. Data about the visit or traffic is obtained from Alexa Toolbar installed in the browser of Internet users. Alexa ranking is started from the rank 1 to the next ranking of its value up to millions. The smaller the number means the better the ranking of the blog or website.

Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa di Website Anda

Alexa ranking will be very important for the bloggers who make their blog as a place to make money on the internet. This is because web-web money-producing program that followed to make Alexa ranking as a benchmark. The better the Alexa ranking of a blog then the advertisers will want to advertise on the blog. For that Alexa ranking should be increased with maximum effort to make the day getting better.

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(Read too : Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa di Website Anda)

How to improve my website’s rating on Alexa?
1. Increase organic traffic from search engines
The first way you can do is to increase organic traffic from search engines. From the past until now organic traffic must have more value for a website, especially so that your blog’s rating increases in Alexa.

2. Frequently update articles
3. Collect good backlinks, as much as possible
4. SEO
5. Use the Alexa Toolbar
6. Install the Alexa Widget
7. Write on Blog about Alexa.
8. Introducing your URL on webmaster forums
9. Create a webmaster tool on your website.

Source : wikipedia